The future is frequency

Something about the energetics of naturopathy principles has always intrigued me.

Herbs, homeopathy and TCM is deeply underpinned by the understanding that these modalities provide a healing nature due to their energetic connection with the human psyche. It is the same reason I feel people are drawn to crystals, sounds and fragrance - because they each hold a unique energetic frequency that speaks to us on a much deeper level than many of us understand or have been told to understand.

Frequency is not something taught in school science lessons. You’d have to be specialising in advanced science at a more specialist level to be introduced to quantum physics. This is why there is so much mysticism surrounding the quantum field and conversations about energy work are considered pseudo-science.

Quantum theory is considered one of the most exciting and insightful learnings into discovering the source of generating healing and abundance. Essentially, break everything down to its most basic form - everything that exists from humans and animals to physical matter such as buildings and the earth, to thoughts and intentions and beliefs - and we come down to something that we are all made up of: subatomic particles.

These subatomic particles vibrate across the universe in wave form. They are completely neutral and malleable. They have no bias. They can be shaped and brought into our reality through intention, manifestation and vibrating the very frequency of what it is we want to be calling in for ourselves. There is a unique frequency that we can find a resonance with for all thoughts and realities.

And this is where I introduce you to Healy.

Healy arrived in my world in September last year and it has made a radical impact on my life and in my coaching practice too. Last year a blood test revealed I had low thyroid function and conscious not to slip into auto-immunity used Healy to harmonise and nourish my thyroid, in addition to some nutrition and lifestyle tweaks and happily my thyroid is now in optimum health and I feel amazing. And so many other remarkable transformations.

I run resonance scans on myself and my family every morning and send the frequencies remotely. The beauty of bioresonance is that you don’t have to be in proximity to the device. Once the bio-energetic field is read, scans and frequencies can be analysed and sent no matter where in the world someone is.

For more specific conditions I often send a micro-current program through the wrist straps or the coil. This is wonderful for chronic pain and clearing blockages from meridians and chakras and addressing imbalances in the aura, hormone balance and bio-energetic field.

If you are interested in owning a Healy yourself and purchase through me, I will invite you into a support group and provide mentorship, community and coaching at no cost. My intention is to help grow this frequency space and support other humans to take charge of their health, empowering them towards their own self-healing.

I truly see frequency medicine as the healing modality of the future.

If something has sparked in you reading this and you’re curious, come and join me in a clarity call here.

And if you’re ready to invest in your higher self and make the most of the amazing promotions running currently, you can find Healy right here .


What is the bioenergetic field?


Winter immunity